This game contains sexual content, romantic and social elements, violence, and inappropriate language. Battle damage between characters is described with light and shadow effects and numbers, but there are no bloody scenes, so it is recommended for ages 12 and older.This game is available for free, but paid services are available to additionally purchase virtual game currency, items, etc. within the game. Please adjust your playtime appropriately and avoid addiction. Sexuality: Game characters wear sexually provocative clothing and decorations, so the game is recommended for ages 12 and older. Violence: The game contains scenes of door knocking and attacks, but no bloody scenes, and is recommended for ages 12 and older. Dating and Social: The game contains content that encourages you to date or get married virtually and is recommended for ages 12 and older.
5/24 - 6/3 23:59
于活动期间内在Discord的活动频道发布与新职业『刺客』相关的内容留言,将挑选出5名得奖人,内容越丰富越有助新手上手的信息,得奖机率大大UP哦! 记得留言填上服务器与角色名称哟
金币x500,000、[活动] 卡蒙的高级鉴定书x5、[活动] 防止损伤祈愿书x5 (5名) 得奖名单公布:6/4