4/18 Update Notice

17 Apr 2024
Views 440


The server will undergo routine maintenance operations from 9:00 to 12:00 on 2024/4/18 (Thu), the maintenance time may be adjusted according to the actual operation situation, and you will not be able to log in to play the game during the maintenance period, and will not provide related services such as stored value and transfer points.

The #update is as follows


1. Open a new server - Tallintes

2. Item redeployment system adjusted

- Tradable items can only be blended with tradable items, and non-tradable items can only be blended with non-tradable items

3. Increase exchange query optimization

-You can search by setting filter criteria such as equipment level, enhancement level, and star

4. Open a new class in the game - Musketeer

5. Add new collections

6. Added player ID regions

- Increase the value of the U.S. and Canadian states and currencies

7. Open the 101~150th floor of the Infinity Tower

8. Adjust the production system

- When crafting equipment, the tradeable chance has been changed from 5% to 10%.

9. PK map adjustments

- Reduces the HP of monsters in PK maps

- PK map monster regeneration time reduced by 50%.

- Added PK map boss kill reward - Moon Clan's Enhancement Stone

10. Added lock symbol for item restoration

11. The LUCKY CARDS campaign is open

- Killing monsters will randomly drop the event item [Soda's Support], which can be played once with 1 event item (up to 10 times per day.) /b110>) and get random event rewards.

List of Rewards: Joan's Prayer*1, Luna's Prayer*1, Joan's Essence*1, Blood Desire*1, Extreme Crystal*1


1. It is expected to add 2 limited-time products

2. Fixed the limited-time clothing image in the popularity tab

3. It is expected to add C, B, and A rank pets/pet summoning stones for random drawing

- A pet/mount summoning stone containing elven spells

- A pet/mount summoning stone containing the Enchantress's spell

- A pet/mount summoning stone containing a fairy spell


1. Exchange items show 100% durability >> function has been fixed

2. The >> function of the item removals window has been fixed

3. The >> function of not being able to change the player ID card on the PC has been fixed

4. The number of items consumed by selecting autofill is abnormal when restoring items. The >> function has been fixed

- The actual screen display does not match, which needs to be fixed in the next version update

*The new server Tallintes and the new class Musketeer will not be included in the Class Strongest Ranking event

The above is the content of this maintenance update

If you have any comments or questions, please let us know

We take the gaming experience very seriously for all adventurers

The game content will be continuously optimized and bug fixes will be fixed

Adventurers are also invited to continue to support LUNA: Mobile

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